They say that when one door closes, another opens and in this case 'they'* are right. I'm moving on, starting afresh and am feeling much happier within myself because of recent events...
I'm seeing someone. Well, she deserves to be given a name as 'someone' isn't very nice. She's the gorgeous, lovely and adorable Leah and I couldn't be happier at the moment. We've known each other for a LONG time in SL now and she's been there when I've needed her, I've been there when she's needed me and we have no secrets, no dark little areas where surprises lurk, it's simple. I feel very comfortable with her, but then I always have and taking this final step and turning the friendship into a romance is the logical step for both of us... It also happens that Leah is the ex of the person who Sadie is now seeing, so we've managed to swap and everyone seems happier. I know Leah and I certainly are.
I would also like to take a few moments to thank the wonderful Kitty, who has been an absolute rock over the last few days, with emails flying around, inworld chats etc. and she's been just amazing and I want to say that I luv her to bits and could not ask for a better friend in the world than her. Thanks hunni, you're one in a million!!
Other stuff has been happening too... I'm thinking of splashing out and paying for an advertising campaign on during the SLASCAR races, promoting Parkade (and will be speaking to the lovely Codie about filming soon too), plus other things may be happening regarding modelling, but you'll have to wait and see about that one ;)
The bottom line though is that I am a LOT happier about things now, I have some great friends, I'm busy and active within SL, I'm not sitting at my desk at work moping about this, that and the other and most importantly, I have a fantastic girlfriend who I love to bits... Life, is sweet!
* Who are 'they' and why do they always have an opinion on stuff?