Monday, June 23, 2008

Married Life is...

...Brilliant! The wedding was amazing, such a wonderful day and despite me crashing at two of the worst possible moments, such as walking down the aisle and just as I was about to give Fukmi her ring, it was a lovely ceremony and just a really great day. I will post pics up here soon, just need to export 'em from SL and resize them.

I was worried that there'd be no guests there, that no one would show, but plenty did and we were so pleased that so many of our friends joined us on the special day. I'd like to thank a few people, in no real particular order but... Savannah and Vengence for planning it all and especially Savannah for the lovely ceremony... Kitty for being my Maid of Honour, I was SO pleased you were there, Socks, Mist and Stacy for being my bridesmaids, thanks girls... NoNo for DJing at the reception party and for carrying on after me n' the new wife went back home again and most importantly I'd like to thank Fukmi, for making me the happiest girl in the world xXx. Massive thanks to Fukmi's bridal party too and to all the guests who took the trouble to spend the time with us, including some of Fukmi's RL family too ;)

In other news, but keeping it bridal, Fukmi is going to be exhibiting at the forthcoming Wedding Expo in SL, offering bespoke dresses etc. which is cool. I'll post more details here and on our official Fukmi Clothing blog soon.

Also, I've been asked to DJ at this year's official SecondLife Pride celebrations, which of course is a massive honour and one that I gladly undertake. I'll be spinning on Sunday 13th and Saturday 19th of July, 1-3am PDT both times... Again, I'll post a more substantial entry closer to the time, with the dates, times and location. It's gonna be a HUGE party and one not to miss...

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