The 'Drift Queen' at her workshop (Underground Resistance, Ride)

Me and my luvverly pink Madza RX-7 (Mmmmm, sexiest car in existence)

My Lamborghini Gallardo (Stick yer Ferraris)

Mercedes S-Class (Because every girl should travel in style sometimes)

My Supra (Fast AND Furious baby, Yeah!!!)

Taking a break from decorating the old beach house...

The campsite at 'SecondFest' earlier this year (not a noob in site!!)

Soaking up the rays and atmosphere at SecondFest 2007 (note, lack of wellies = not a real festival)

My entry for the Dark Eden 'Girl of the Month' in October (next time, I'm taking pics with the guns too...)
I've been meaning to post some of those for ages and have more from SecondFest that might make it onto these pages at some point... I also have a LOT more cars than that, but couldn't be bothered to snap 'em all at the moment... I don't think my CyberAngel look will be enough to get me into October's Dark Eden competition, but we'll see... It's a look I like and it'd make a superb RPG outfit, especially with the firearms holstered to the thighs... Hmmm, definitely another photoshoot coming up and I might ask one of Veyron's friends to go all Photoshop on it afterwards...
If it has 4 wheels and is pink, chances are you will buy it :P
Doesn't have to be pink OR have 4 wheels, but you're pretty much spot on with the observation... I did kinda go "Oooooh, PINK!!!" when I saw the Gallardo :D
I saw your boobie!! tee hee
Oh no, it didn't slip out again did it? ;)
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